Ph.D., Associate Professor [professore associato] of computer engineering
DIMES – Dept. Computer Engineering, Modeling, Electronics, and Systems Engineering
(Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica e Sistemistica)
University of Calabria, Italy
Scientific Coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Lab.
Head of the Machines, Languages and Networks Team @AI-DSLab.
DIMES Head’s Delegate for Technology Transfer of research results.
Coordinator of the International Mobility Programmes (Erasmus+, MOST) and Traineeships for the Computer Engineering course of study.
Publications on Google Scholar, Scopus, DBLP
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Office__|| building 44, first floor
Academic advising appointments [ricevimento]__|| every Wednesday, 15:30-17:30Proposte di Tesi (Laurea Magistrale/Triennale in Ing. Informatica) |